Hip hip horrary! The day has finally arrived! After a very long LONG battle with our loan, we finally got to the end! We had to take the day off of work on Friday to drive up to Bellevue to sign with Escrow and then we drove our papers back down here to the county and played the waiting game until about 3pm when we got the call that we got our keys! We moved on Sat. and worked our hinies off (with the amazing help from my mom and sister) and are now ALL unpacked! We are beyond exhausted but we are unpacked, things have a home and life is working on getting back to normal! We did treat ourselves to a new couch, new love seat and a new bedroom set. They will be delivered on Wed. so right now we just just sit on stools in the living room and are sleeping in the guest bedroom. We are hoping to also purchase a dining room table but haven't found anything we are in love with yet! (we're using an old one now!) For all our out of town family and friends, you are the reason we created this blog! We hope that these final pictures will give you a better idea of where we will now call home! We hope you will be able to visit soon! Enjoy our "virtual" tour....
Here is my sister sitting on a stool in the living room, she is sitting where our love seat will go and you're looking into the kitchen nook....

Here is a shot from the kitchen nook into the lilving room. The kitchen chairs are our "couch"....

Here is our stove and mircowave....

The rest of our kitchen, we're also in hunt of some kind of breakfast bar stools...

Our kitchen nook.....

Our large and in charge pantry.....

The office room....

Our guest bedroom, for all you come and stay in when you visit, aside from the bedding, the rest of the room is golf....

The one room not yet put together...our Master bedroom. Still not so sure what to do with all the space, we'll think of something.....

My bathroom, that I have yet to figure out a theme for...I just wanted to throw a shower curtain on until I figure it out....

We'll that's the basics of our house! If you want to see the rest of it, you'll have to come visist! I think that the blog will be put on hold until the next "adventure" in our life! Hopefully we will be blessed by God yet again with a new member of the family! Stay tuned and please continue to pray! Thanks!!!