So I am finally back to the blog....Zepper insured me he took care of everything to keep you all up to date on the house! I am feeling better each day from my surgery and am thankful I can be back involved with the blog. A lot happened while I was "out of the picture". I also kinda lost track of what day we were on, but Friday Aug. 7th, was day 17!!! As you can see we now have siding on the house and you can start to see our grey house!!! I wasn't 100% sure about the color but now seeing it on the house, I think I am liking it more and more!

Here is the back of the house!

And the front porch area!
Tomorrow we are going to get to "walk through" the house so stay tuned for our first interior pictures of the house. It will be the first time we get to start to see the offical layout of the house on something more than a picture! Although we saw the one home under contsruction, we have never seen OUR house. It should be pretty exciting! I am starting to begin to feel like this is our home more and more! (I'm starting to get attached!!!!!!)
Ooh, the attachment process to a new house is so fun! Have fun getting acquainted tomorrow with your new interior!