Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 8

The King of his castle....

Here is our first picture of the house together since we purchased it back in April. Once again, I promise the house is straight...Zepper tried to do one of his Professional photographer moves and tried to balance the camera on the side mirror of the car....Oh dear! So the house is really coming along and it was super fun to see the tressels for the roof going on. The roof should be complete within the next week!!!

Brent wandered into our neighbors lot to get the back side of the house.

Things are really coming along quickly. This will probably be the last week where things are changing daily cuz soon they will head inside and we won't be able to take pictures without our sales manager and a hard hat! :-( I will try to get out to the house today to take some pictures but then don't know how much Brent will be able to get out there as I won't be driving or very mobile after surgery! I'll try to post again around the 11th but continue checking in....Brent may just take the reins on this one! Enjoy! (oh and Aaron...I didn't get your post, just your question about it!)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 7

So once again the house looks different today! So now that I can start to make things out I thought I'd share what you are looking at....This is a picture from the sidewalk (duh) standing at the tree in our front yard area. Right now we have neighbors to left (when looking at the house) and an empty lot on the right (when looking at the house). .....

This is a picture straight on to the house. You are looking directly into the garage. Right above the garage is our guest bedroom (or nursery if God blesses us with children) on the upper left window and our office on the upper right window. The front door is the rectangle next to the garage which looks into our entry way and then our living room. Our Master is above the front door (that will be ou bedroom window). If you look through the garage (past the tubs), you will see our kitchen....

This is the side view of the house taken from the empty lot on the right. There aren't any windows on that side of the house except the small one in our Master closet. This will be the side of the bedrooms and garage and back of the kitchen.

Kinda cool how it is all coming together. Only a few more days of things changing daily cuz once they get the siding and roof on they'll head inside and then pictures will only be coming about once a week. But for now it is fun to see the daily changes!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 6

Things are really coming along! Tonight we got a few pictures now that that the bottom floor framing is done and the 2nd floor has started to go up! We also snuck onto our neighbor's dirt to get a picture of the back of the looks like our house is goign to tip over, but fear not...I was just afraid we'd get in trouble so didn't want to stay long in the "construction zone" of our neighbor's dirt! Tomorrow the 2nd floor framing should be done!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 4 and 5

Sorry for the delay....we had a very busy weekend enjoying God's creation and hanging out with friends. Here are some pictures of day 4 and 5. It is really starting to look like a house and I am finally starting to see why we paid so much money...we do actually get more than just some dirt and a few weeds, we actually get a house!!! Things are coming along! ENJOY!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 3

Well it is about a million degrees today and I wasn't brave enough to venture out in my non-air conditioned car to go get pictures today! :-( We will be stopping by on Sunday after church to snap the most recent ones of the framing that took place today though. So check back then!

We do have a praise report....Brent got a call yesterday when we were out at the lake skiing saying that somehow the fireplace has been removed (even though we were told it was pretty much impossible). We're not exactly sure of all the details because we think that by taking the fireplace out it will save us over $2500 so we're not sure if now that it is gone if that will come off the purchase price or if we will just use that toward other upgrades (such as a fense or landscaping), however these are mild issues. We are just in awe of God's amazing grace and blessings He gives us daily. This journey of buying/building a house has had more ups and downs than a good ride at WildWaves, however through it all God has remained faithful and true. I know that I must continue to learn to focus on the good and to allow those to lead my days instead of being dragged down by the bumps along the way. Thanks for your love and support! CHEERS to another victory in the house department! We are trying to think of a thank you gift for our Showroom consultant because she has been more than helpful but haven't come up with anything good yet....any ideas???

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 2

I drove by today to get some new pictures but couldn't get really any of the house cuz they were currently delivering more lumber! I snapped a few and talked to the delivery man so he didn't think I was some crazy women taking pictures of him while he was working! The process really has started! Enjoy

Day 1

Oh my goodness after over 3 months we can finally say that our house is started! Took just as long to get to this porcess as it will to build the whole dang house! CRAZY! We are still trying to iron our some bugs and at this point are still excited about our house being built but would not reccomend Quadrant Homes to anyone. I know the house will be great but this process has been nothing but a nightmare and tons of lies and misleadings! :-( We continue to know there is a plan for all this mayham.
Please pray that we can get our fireplace figured out. When we first bought the house we looked at some floorplans (but I'm such a visual person it didn't help much) so we went into another home on site that was under construction. We were told although the layout is a little different, the size is similar, in fact yours will be bigger. We used that model in our minds when we were at the Showroom. We remember what the living room looked like and decided we watned a fireplace. Well I have had concerns since then (but more just in the last month) that our living room is smaller than the model we were showed. So on Tues. Brent and I went up to another site and looked at a floorplan just like ours that is about 10 days from completion. Well turns out that our living room is in fact WAY smaller than we were told and the fireplace really won't work in it. We have been told there is nohting they can do about it...we ordered it, we're stuck with it! (Great customer service right??!?!) So we are going to try to change their minds but if not our living room is going to be one cramped room. :-(
NEways, we are excited for this new stage in the process. Check back often as the house will be changing almost daily for the next few weeks and we'll get out there as much as we can to get pictures! My sister-in-law just reminded me that living in Singapore she's never really seen a house being built so I will try to take an extra amount of pictures for her, but you all will get to enjoy them as well! Thanks for all your support everyone. We love you all!
This is a pictures after Day 1 when our floor slats got laid! Again some of the picts won't be the greatest cuz I don't have a hard hat on and can only stand on the sidewalk!

Here's our lumber that will be used for the framing

Friday, July 10, 2009

Foundation #2

I drove by the house today and didn't have the camera so just snapped one of th 2nd layer of foundation with my phone! I didn't have a hard hat on so couldn't get any fun pictures of it but it at least shows progress! Brent will meet with the superintendent on Tues. and then Wed. they'll lay lumber and get this thing started! One of the sales managers found a house that is being built in another community with our same floor plan so we will also get to go check that out on Tues. evening. Although nothing will change, it will just be nice to see what our house will actually look like and start actually getting to visualize it. We haven't really be able to do much of that yet cuz all we have been looking at is 2D floorplans so it will be wonderful to actually see it all together! Stay tuned cuz starting next week the house is going to fly! :-) Thanks for sharing in our joy and excitment! This is taken from the sign (our first picture of the house) so basically we are just looking at the driveway up to the house and into the garage.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Praise the Lord

Hip Hip Horrary we FINALLY have foundation! We had one layer laid last week and the final layer will be laid this week. On the 14th we will meet with our Superintendent and then "Day 1" will be July 15th! If everything goes well, we should be able to close before Oct. Once the 15th comes, follow the blog closely (like almost daily) as the house is going to fly up at that point. We are very happy to finally be starting this porcess. Although it is still hard to see the look of our house here are a few glimpses of what is to come!

We're thinking we should have a contest for our friends and family...print off one of the pictures of the foundation and come up with your own ideas of what the house will look like....the winner of this game will get first dibs on which items they want to carry down the 3 flights of stairs on Moving Day!!!!!

We love you all!