Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 3

Well it is about a million degrees today and I wasn't brave enough to venture out in my non-air conditioned car to go get pictures today! :-( We will be stopping by on Sunday after church to snap the most recent ones of the framing that took place today though. So check back then!

We do have a praise report....Brent got a call yesterday when we were out at the lake skiing saying that somehow the fireplace has been removed (even though we were told it was pretty much impossible). We're not exactly sure of all the details because we think that by taking the fireplace out it will save us over $2500 so we're not sure if now that it is gone if that will come off the purchase price or if we will just use that toward other upgrades (such as a fense or landscaping), however these are mild issues. We are just in awe of God's amazing grace and blessings He gives us daily. This journey of buying/building a house has had more ups and downs than a good ride at WildWaves, however through it all God has remained faithful and true. I know that I must continue to learn to focus on the good and to allow those to lead my days instead of being dragged down by the bumps along the way. Thanks for your love and support! CHEERS to another victory in the house department! We are trying to think of a thank you gift for our Showroom consultant because she has been more than helpful but haven't come up with anything good yet....any ideas???

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